I’m sure the clapping is getting louder on a Thursday! As millions of people want to show their appr...

I’m sure the clapping is getting louder on a Thursday!

As millions of people want to show their appreciation for the NHS, carers and key workers, the bar is being raised week on week. We saw Batman and The Joker turn up to the RD&E in the Batmobile and the procession of emergency vehicles outside of hospitals all over the country brought tears to our eyes.

We are a country united and this togetherness and strength is apitomised by Capt Tom Moore who has smashed his targets at the age of 99 and raised (at the time of writing) over £26m for NHS charities, all from his back garden. Capt Tom who is a veteran of WW2 said “You’ve all got to remember that we will get through it in the end, it will all be right. For all those people finding it difficult at the moment, the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will go away.” What a message!!!

But while there is international coverage of amazing challenges and selflessness, there’s also an awful lot of kindness and generosity on our doorsteps and in fact, under our own roof. Just like many businesses, we’ve had to furlough many of our staff and what some of them are doing while unable to work at Helmores is humbling.

Giving up their time to put to good use is wonderful to see and makes us very proud. James is usually found in the office looking after sellers and buyers and putting deals together but during the past couple of weeks, he’s been delivering essential prescriptions to the most vulnerable people in our community. The lockdown and severity of the virus to those susceptible to it means that many are unable to leave the house at all. James volunteered for the NHS as soon as the initial call went out and was so pleased when he got accepted to get out and do something positive to help.

Then there’s Ella. For those of you lucky enough to have met Ella, you’ll know of her very caring nature and her desire to help anyone who may need it. Ella is helping out at Down Farm, an organic food producer that often supplies the local farmer markets.  Ella has a keen interest on the environment and reducing waste but even she is amazed by all that goes into food production. “I’m finding my understanding and perspectives on things are changing as I find myself in different situations as a result of all this” Ella says. “For example, I’ve always tried to minimise food waste and eat /use all the veg I buy BUT working on the farm today – it took from 9am – 1pm to till the soil, fertilise it (various stages) unplug the pea plugs, plants them, water them, insert rabbit protecting nets and a few other things. So much work goes into growing food and it’s reinforced my respect for our farmers!”

They say not all heros wear capes, how true this is. But to our staff, the amazing community we live in, to everyone on the front line and to Captain Tom, you’re all heros to us. We all need to continue to fight this pandemic by supporting each other, being kind, being positive and by staying at home. For most of us it’s a small sacrifice we have to make to help protect others.

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